7 May 2010

Angela's Diary - May update.

Well my special one-off Heart & Soul Quest Angel Conference is over now, and it went brilliantly (see my finale letter in that section of this website). It was, however, quite exhausting, for me and now I am recovering my energy.

However, in this duality (Oritronic – fallen Light) world, although those of us who know how to do so are working from heart in the Metatronic pure Light spectrum to help restore the vibration, so many things continue to need major healing every day. Now we have the oil spillage crisis off the USA coast, and as until the Summer Solstice it’s still very much the traditional season of Phuel, Lord of the Waters of Powers of the Moon, he will help us to heal this damage. So we can also build on what you learnt with the Water of Life healing I wrote of in my last update.

Here is a visualisation (one of those I worked with in the Conference Saturday on Heart Quest and self-healing). I have adapted it today so that we can all use it to aid the Waters of Earth and the creatures of the waters, not only with Phuel but with angels of Heart and Moon (Haniel and Gabriel). (This is originally from my book The Angel Almanac, specifically within the Section 2 on Self-Healing for Heart Quest).

Meditation for healing with Water of Life (heart and thymus)

· If you have an aquamarine crystal hold them in your left (universal taking) hand to programme during this meditation, then seal with right hand.

· Invoke Phuel, Haniel and Gabriel to assist you for your Highest Good.

· Close your eyes and take deep breaths of pure white Angelic Light energy, breathing out all your frustrations until you start to feel relaxed.

· Within you is your higher heart flower (it starts as a bud): a water lily flower on an emerald green lily leaf, or the magenta pink flower may be open.

· The three angels start pouring a stream of cool green, silver and turquoise Water of Life, interwoven and shimmering, into your crown.

· Now with every in-breath, Light flows down and into your personal heart chakra. As this starts to heal your angelic links will deepen.

· From your heart say to these wonderful angels:

· With power of green, turquoise and silver I ask to open my higher heart flower, adding magenta of Unconditional Love, and to send this healing to aid Waters of Mother Earth and all the creatures of these Waters.

· Now with power of your will and intention send Water of Life and the healing colours of heart down through your feet and into Mother Earth’s heart; she will place this where it’s needed most.

· In gratitude she will return healing to you, to help you cleanse away blocks in the heart and thymus chakras, bringing calmness and balance, and aiding the opening (or further opening) of your higher heart chakra of Unconditional Love. (The lily bud opens to a rich pink lily flower between solar and thymus chakras).

· As you breathe out Water of Life it creates an aura of silvery turquoise and green, with pink, in the shape of wings, surrounding you with calm resolve. Remember to thank the angels!

Love and light

from Angela McGerr