Hello dear readers,
Well most Britons (including me and my family) greatly enjoyed the Royal Wedding last Friday. Such a lovely occasion, and what struck me (apart from the classic perfection of Kate's beautiful wedding dress, and that of her Maid of Honour also) was the obvious love between William and Kate; it was there on their every expression and smile before, during and after the ceremony and was moving to see.
This made me think of the glorious angel Haniel (pictured above), who rules Venus and Friday, and asks us to strive towards Love, Beauty and Compassion. This is not only towards others (Emerald Ray for personal heart, friends, family and loved ones), but also the Magenta Ray of non-judgemental love and forgiveness - even towards/of self. For how can we not judge others if we constantly judge ourselves? So while we are also dealing with inevitable broken or emotionally damaged hearts, or heartaches caused to personal heart, we are asked to try to open our hearts with the Magenta Ray of unconditional love and compassion. This is for Mother Earth herself and All Life.
So Haniel aids us (amongst other angels like Shekinah, Pistis Sophia and Pagiel) to really bring in these Creation Colours for self-healing and for sending out from heart to all other hearts that resonate (or be ready to "wake up" and resonate with the message....
Here are some of Haniel's channellings, adapted slightly from the (royal blue) box of Angelic Abundance (there are many more in other works, and the e-Module A, but I chose these short ones for today!):
First an Affirmation for those seeking true love:
AFFIRMATION: To affirm my Truth in Love and Joy
With Haniel I affirm my need for abundant earthly happiness and loving fulfilment. I deserve those to whom I can give and receive love and joy, pledging to also find the beauty within me, and then allowing my inner radiance to inspire others.
Now a meditation for heart healing and opening the higher heart flower/chakra (linked to thymus), to find compassion for All.
To fill your heart, and hearts of others, with Love
• Take some deep breaths of the golden ray of Divine Love, expelling negative thoughts from your mind, until you feel filled with loving energy.
• Ground this energy through your feet, sending love down to Mother Earth.
• Invoke Haniel or other angels you have chosen to be with you. They bring a rose quartz crystal and invite you to step inside it - you are completely enveloped in the rose pink of this crystal: pearly light of Joy which takes away sadness.
• Feel the presence of the angels of love all around you, and imagine you can smell the scent of the roses, a perfume close to the angelic vibration.
• The angels' wings softly enfold you, showering you with rose petals.
• Ask the angels to help you find and keep love in your life, including for yourself, faults and all, so that you may give it also to others, for love binds the Universe together.
• See the flower of your heart glowing (you may see a rose or a water lily or lotus), and if it's opening to true, unconditional love, you will see/sense many shades of pink, including a deeper, magenta pink*, edged with pearly radiance. Encircle it with bright emerald light for healing and expansion.
• Visualise loved ones in a pink bubble, with their hearts similarly energised.
• Seal the energy in with Raphael's golden rays, feeling a sense of renewal.
• Send Love and Light and thanks to the angels.
*Magenta is the ninth Colour of Creation (completing the circle between Red and Violet) and is a shade that must be sensed and felt with eye of heart and soul, as well as seen with normal vision. This also applies to Turquoise - the eighth Colour.
And now a quick update on Courses and Events. First e-Courses: no new students or new study levels of either the e-Courses or the Blue Star Angels Mystery School can be accepted after mid-May , due to my upcoming summer break. Those who sign up before the deadline will then have six weeks' chance to get well into their study courses, before this break. For whilst I shall review e-mails from time to time during July and August, I shall not be looking daily!
Following the March and April Nash Manor Events, there are no more events currently scheduled for this year, although of course this may change and this Blog will keep you posted. But this does mean there will be no Events e-Newsletters for the time being. (If you have signed up recently in regard to the free Angelic Light Attunements for Mother Earth that were featured a few months ago, you will need to write to me separately about this, before the end of this month.)
That's it for now, as I am continuing (over this Bank Holiday Weekend) to enjoy the UK's amazing spring weather....
But the angels ask you all to remember: LOVE IS THE KEY
Angel blessings
from Angela