Dear Readers,
As mentioned in my last Blog Post, although the new distance learning version of Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension is completed and now up and running, there may be some out there who would still like to study this important course face-to-face with me, or who might be wishing to teach this course themselves* (*see more below on this) Therefore my sister Jo and I are collaborating to offer a rare opportunity to study this Ascension Workshop at her house in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, next month.
Angelic Merkaba Workshop
The two-day Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension Workshop will be offered at Jo's house (subject to sufficient demand) on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd March. Full details of it and booking options can be found if you follow this link to Jo's e-Newsletter.
There is more on the contents of this course in my previous few Blogs, and there is a full explanation in the Soul Quest section of my workshop. The Merkaba Angelic Light Body is a key Tool of Ascension; it's been guided by Seraphiel, Ruler of the Seraphim, pictured above. You may be drawn to take this class to achieve personal Heart Ascension, in order to aid the exponential growth of Unconditonal Love, and pure unfallen Light within Mother Earth, which is wonderful. Or as mentioned above, you may feel called to teach it to others during this important year of 2012, In this connection, you may have studied this class before on one of the few occasions when I taught it at Jo's house in the past, or when Jo herself (one of my Affiliate Tutors) taught it.
Teaching the Workshop for Soul Quest
Because of the importance of the workshop, I've devised a special, new route for 2012 (made possible by the launch of the new distance learning course) for those who feel called just to teach this special Ascension class to aid others with their Soul Quest. The conditions are as follows:
1. You need to take, or have taken, the "live" class at least once to begin to get to grips with the material and the way it is taught face-to-face.
2. To build depth of knowledge you must either have studied and completed Blue Star 1, or to study and complete the Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension distance learning course.
3. Then you attend an Affiliate Tutors Workshop (ATW) with me, to demonstrate you can teach it and to learn from the others attending, plus to show you how to give the unique set of healing Angelic Light Attunements.
4. Finally there is an e-Test (not timed) that is taken, after the ATW. This is not so much a pass/fail situation as a verification that you will teach the course as well as you possibly can?
Following completion of this process you are awarded a Certificate, and sent a disk that includes all the material needed to teach the workshop, together with my (and the angels') blessings.
Does this sound rigorous? Well yes, but it's a difficult course and must be taught well and wisely. I am just as rigorous with myself and my writing and I believe in thorough grounding in this complex material for my wonderful band of Tutors. As one of my Affiliates says: There are no quick fixes with Angela's work. This is true; I don't do "fluffy" either (I leave this to others), but teachers do draw the appropriate students, or the angels guide students to the right teachers. There is room for all here, and All is Divine Order.
Love, light and angel blessings
from Angela