Dear readers,
I hope this finds you well, as spring has well and truly sprung here, with glorious wall to wall sunshine...
Here is a catch up on what I have been doing lately.
This time last week I was teaching the first two-day Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension workshop at my sister Jo's house (harmonyhealing.co.uk) in Walton on Thames. It was fully booked and went really well. Everyone (there were seven on it, plus Jo and I, so nine: the Ascension vibration!) seemed to enjoy it and have expressed their wish to study more face to face workshops this year. Watch this space and sincere thanks to Jo for her invaluable aid with this workshop......
The weekend provided some sunny recovery time, and then last Monday I went to a launch event run at the Zetter Hotel in London by Richard Rockwood, my amazing illustrator, and his business partner David Watson. Many of you will love Richard's artworks but maybe not know how we got them done. It's a long story how the angels chose Richard as their artist...he's a very spiritual man of course that goes without saying. Anyway, what happened was that I would do a meditation, and ask the angels for a glimpse of how they wished to be portrayed. Then I would write the glimpse up on an e-mail and send this to Richard. He would read it, tune in to the angel and then in his own unique way, be guided on the artwork. At the beginning it was a little process, of a starting point with tweaks to get to what was wanted, but after about nine years of working together, Richard could pretty much come up with the right thing first time...hopefully you agree that all our artworks are stunning and in their own right, act as "windows" for the angels, accompanying my channelled words.
So to bring you up to date, Richard and David have gone into business producing a selection of beautiful and high quality silk scarves, showing some of these individual, truly unique, artworks, and you can view the selection (and perhaps treat yourself or a loved one to a scarf?) on www.epiphanyangels.com. The artworks hold a variety of angelic vibrations (how could they not?), and so they are very special. David and Richard say if worn, they actually effect mood and behavioural changes and I can well believe it. I know the angels involved will be wishing Richard and David the best of angelic abundance with the project....
The artwork at the top of the page is one of those available: the wonderful angel Geboriel from the Love & Light Angel Cards, who urges us to higher and higher levels of harmony and balance...
I will leave you with the message that goes with this card in the set:
Malachim Healing Glyph of Gamel:
Angel - Geboriel
Key words: action, correction, balance, meditation
In a duality world you must reconcile many balances and Spiritual Laws to find Oneness. You are an ancient soul who came out of Oneness and can often feel separated and marooned in Earth's present duality. But I, Geboriel bring Gamel, Law of Three and Caduceus wisdom to offer you a loving path of unity, to rediscover that feeling of perfect belonging that you seek. Three triads of three are the angel hierarchy - nine groups in total, mirrored in mankind by three groups of three chakras: root, sacral and solar; heart, higher heart and thymus; throat, third eye; and crown.
Gamel deepens your angelic connection as you visualise and work with Caduceus through spine, bringing down glowing solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) energies to Earth, then entwining them back through eight chakras into balance at third eye. Continue with Sun Gold and Moon Silver in Templa Mar to reach crown and Oneness with Eden Tree. When your soul remembers, you can move to Seraphiel's Diamond, channelling its dazzling liquid purity to overflow all chakras and especially to radiate from higher heart. Then the Star Gates will beckon causing angels to truly rejoice, for yours will have become a heart-based existence, with your soul helping us send Angelic Light to heal your Mother Earth.
Love and light always
from Angela x