24 December 2009

Wishing all readers a very merry festive season...

...and for a new year that will be filled with angel blessings!

Two timely Channellings for Winter and for Wednesday (from Angel Almanac):

Farlas, Guardian Angel of Winter says:

My Festival is a time of muted colours, of brown, purple and grey - an apparent absence of Light. While frost embroiders the earth, I enfold sleeping Nature with my strong wings, protecting her secrets from the elements, knowing the darkest time is turning, making way for Light to return. But appearances are deceiving; although all seems lifeless, nothing is further from the truth. Even now new buds are forming and as the sun returns, Mother Earth awakens. This is merely her time of conserving strength and biding time; coming soon is the promise of birth or re-birth.

This is also your chance to conceive something completely new. Whether major or minor does not matter, just that the impulse creates a longing for change: a quest towards true heart's desires - those in line with your soul journey. On dark days I urge you to shine your own Light within to illuminate where your heart wishes to be at the end of the coming year, for as acorn leads to oak and back to acorn, all is in cycles and cannot remain the same.

As winter draws towards its close, little by little I open my wings to embrace the sun. My subtle monochromes acquire brighter hues, as I allow Nature to begin her age-old, magical transformation once more. Your own desire for change can start now, at this same moment. And if you harmonise with my, and all other Solar Festivals your quest leads you towards greater balance at year's end, when I gladly extend my wings towards you once again.

Or for those in the Antipodes, for whom it's not Winter, but still Wednesday:

Michael, Guardian Angel of Wednesday and Mercury says:

All that exists is energy; Light is All That Is. My Light Sword holds the power that shows you all levels of Truth. Do you wish you were living your truth? Call my name to aid you and remember that Love is the Key.

To angels there are no favoured ones! Rest assured that you are all favoured. Do not feel that by calling on us you are "bothering" us, or that we have preferences, for our role is to offer mankind unconditional love, to support equally all those who choose to seek our assistance. We cannot win your battles for you, but we can aid you with the strength to address karmic issues, surmount challenge, and move ever onwards, spiritually, on the Way of Love and Light, towards personal and through this, Absolute Truth.

Love, Light and Angel Blessings,

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