Hello dear readers,
I hope you like the stunning Templa Mar mandala pictured this time. It's not the usual artwork for the Temple; this one was specially designed for the Workbook of Meditations that is part of my two book set: Angel Quest of the Heart. More on Templa Mar later in this Blog as I have written about it many times at the request of the angels.
Well summer finally came over the past two weeks or so. Very bizarre, as we had hot weather throughout April, and then again from the third week of September, with nothing much in between - sort of summer bookends to the season.....
Anyway it was lovely and so thank you Raphael and Tubiel (Guardian of Summer) for that brilliant and dazzling finale; hot sunshine accompanied by the leaves of autumn tumbling down.
Some news for you all:
Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension - rare face-to-face option
Although I rarely give face-to-face courses or workshops, for some reason the angels are guiding me to offer this important Soul Quest workshop later this month, or next month, somewhere locally here (Surrey or Sussex)if a few people are drawn to learn the Angelic Merkaba (an important vehicle to aid Ascension). It would be for one, intensive, day, and if you are interested in hearing more about this possibility, please e-mail me asap. I would hope to do a special one-off fee of £144.00 (less than the normal fee), depending on venue and level of interest. Note: This courses teaches the Merkaba Light Body but in quite a different and easier way than the original (although I love Drunvalo Melchizedek!) It retains the integrity of the original, but becomes a self-healing tool with angels that also grounds and manifests healing and balancing energies for Mother Earth and All Life. You can attain Oneness with Sacred Eden Tree, with your roots in the heart of Mother Earth, your higher heart interfaced with Templa Mar, and your crown touching the 44:44 Angel Star Gate: Portal to pure Metatronic Light. For full details of this course please view Soul Quest section of my website.
Blue Star Angels e-Mystery School
Blue Star Angels Mystery School Part One: Levels 1 - 3 will be withdrawn on 8th October to new entrants, as announced in the last Blog; it will resume after Christmas under a revised arrangement. I have appointed an Affiliate Tutor to assist me in the New Year and I am delighted to announce that she is my advanced student, friend and Light Sister Madeleine Kasem, who lives in Toronto. She will deal with the day-to-day liaison with new students enrolling in 2012, although I shall still give the Angelic Light Attunements personally, and also moderate the answers to the questions posed in the distance learning documents.
Anyone currently studying Level 1 can of course complete his/her studies, but should be aware that there is a maximum time limit set for completion of the level - please see Terms and Conditions of Study in the downloadable document at the end of the Blue Star Angels Mystery School section.
Living Life with the Angels e-Modules
These are still running under my personal control for the moment, but will also be withdrawn this autumn pending a new arrangement for 2012. This will be announced in a future Blog.
News about my sister Jo
Jo is known to many of you, and she will shortly be visiting California to give a couple of workshops. Here is an extract from her latest e-Newsletter.
Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November, Joanna is holding a weekend workshop in Costa Mesa, Southern California introducing RSE Egyptian Alchemy Healing and how to work with it for self-healing and on friends and family (US$300). Includes attunements, self-healing CD and a full manual. To book or for details email jo_harmony@hotmail.com or serafina@serafinaonline.com
Wednesday 10th November, Joanna is holding a short introductory evening entitled ‘Empower Yourself with the Energies of Ancient Egypt’ in Culver City, Los Angeles (from US$75). Optional attunement, demonstration and readings available. To book or for details email jo_harmony@hotmail.com or rose.ghavami@gmail.com.
More on Templa Mar and its healing potential for you
Closing thoughts from me about Templa Mar, the Beloved Etheric Temple of the Emerald Sea. This has many names, having existed for all time, but it's interesting that it's called Templa Mar or Mer, linked to the name Mary as well as the Sea, birthplace of mankind.
As the Heart & Soul Card says:
The Temple of the Emerald Sea is also Templa Mar (or Mer), the Beloved Temple. Guarded by Metatron and Shekinah it is an etheric place of ultimate spiritual enlightenment, redressing the spiritual balance lost from our world now being re-found. This applies not only to mankind, but also to Mother Earth and her nature/animal kingdoms, for the raising of the vibration levels to restore planetary harmony involves healing for all souls and sentient beings: animal, vegetable and mineral. The Temple is a timeless place of healing in every aspect and at the highest levels; its hallowed ground holds the pure harmonic fractals of 5, 6,12 and 13 in light, colour and sound therefore linking to man's original (Divine self Adam Kadmon) DNA before the fall from grace.
Through will and intent you can find the way through the angelic Blue Star Gate, and open your heart to work with the Temple's redemption programme; once there, the High Priest, Seraphim angels, animal and nature devas will instruct you in some of the wisdom of the Mystery Schools. These have operated (often secretly) throughout time to ensure this wisdom was retained, to be taught or remembered by those like yourself, whose soul purpose was, is and ever shall be to tread the crystalline pathways of healing.
Apart from "calling" those of us who are healers, I believe that Templa Mar holds the codes of mankind's healing timelines. It is a matter (like so many other things) of will and intent. With the help of the angels we can each choose to go there for self-healing at any time, as part of our Heart or Soul Quests. Indeed I wrote in the Love & Light Angel Cards Introduction:
Healing/balance: first five subtle energy bodies
How do you accomplish this synergy in energy centres with the Love & Light set? With the help of Shekinah, who holds the Five Petal Flower Template of the Divine Feminine in Earthly Kingdom*. Then, the angels offer you colour healing in Templa Mar. Templa Mar is the beloved, etheric Temple of the Emerald Sea, accessed by pure intent and allowing heart to synchronise with its special vibrations. Through the visualisations with the angels the crystal colour fractals will flow and coalesce into your chakras as well as your aura, gradually healing physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual aspects (first five subtle energy bodies) at the level appropriate for your "now".
*Metatron holds the Five Point Star Template of the Divine Masculine (and keys to the higher five subtle energy bodies); the two integrated form Seraphiel's Twelve Point Stellated Dodecahedron heart of the Rosa Mystica Sacred Geometry. Yet this is still only the beginning, in 5th Dimension, for in 10th Dimension we can work with Sacred 144 and Metatron's Breastplate of 24 crystals and Seraphiel's Stem & Blossom (Tsadey). When we understand how to become part of this, through higher heart (Love is the Key) we can move to the 1,000th Dimension, hold the power of the Divine Child of the Trinity and aid the 144,000 Light Beings of Ascension to send this Diamond Ray energy of Creation out from heart to aid All.
How do you get to Templa Mar?
Well there are a myriad ways. It's by will and intent; one way is to use the Mandala pictured above....
More on this next time, but that's all for now,
Love and light from
Angela McGerr
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