Hello dear readers,
Although the time of the year is dreary, let Amabiel's (see later in this post) lovely artwork* fill you with joy and uplift your heart.
*As always by dear Richard Rockwood
This is to give you a quick update on what's been going on and what is planned for January.
Angel Readings
The Angel Readings event went really well, with those attending saying that they enjoyed their readings and found them informative; I had a good time doing them as it's not often I get around to face-to-face events. There may be another such Angel Reading Day in the spring, and I will keep you posted on it.
New e-Course Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension
I've just about finished adapting the (formerly face to face only) workshop called Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension into an e-Module, and it's already been amended to be bookable on my website, under the Soul Quest courses section. If you don't know about Merkaba I can only say that I was guided to learn it in 1999 and did so in January 2000. At that time I didn't really understand what it meant by Merkaba - Tool of Ascension. Yet I committed to it, it changed my life and I've been working with it, teaching it and then developing (under Seraphiel's guidance) this easier yet deeper, healing, angelic version of it now for many years. Of course I soon learnt about Ascension and why Merkaba is so important for us (Heart Ascension) and for Earth (Planetary Ascension)
This particular Angelic Merkaba for Heart Ascension course is complete in itself, but it came out of my work over the years developing the levels of the Blue Star Angels Mystery School. What happened was that I spent years being guided by Seraphiel and Sanusemi working on the Mystery School, which grew deeper and deeper, with the Merkaba Light Body taking on different shapes and forms. Then I realised that some people might just like to learn my basic version of Angelic Merkaba, without going further into the Mysteries, so I went back and wrote this course as well.
Even if you do know about the traditional Merkaba meditation, which was the one I originally learnt (and I gather that Drunvalo Melchizedek - lovely man - is no longer offering this course through his Flower of Life organisation), then the version called Angelic Merkaba is different in many ways. It does preserve the sacred and ancient knowledge that dear Drunvalo first retrieved, with the help of angels, around 25 or more years ago (what a lot has happened in that time, particularly in the last ten years of fast-tracking with Light Work and Ascension). However, my version, created with angelic help and support, is (dare I say?) easier, more right-brained, uses the higher heart flower for healing and Light Work, is created with key angels and so also provides you with a complete self-healing and balancing tool.
So to sum up, the Angelic Merkaba is, as the name suggests, created with the help of a host of angels. This new course will be available immediately after the Christmas and New Year holidays, and you can sign up for it now if you want to learn it with me.
Well that's all for this post, except to wish you angelic blessings for the coming holidays, as well as to remind you that as I always say, angels are not just for Christmas! As mentioned above, the lovely artwork shown this time is Amabiel: Guardian Angel of Loving Kindness, from the Heart & Soul Angels cards set (second of my card set trilogy. The others of the trilogy are Harmony Angel Cards and Love & Light Angel Cards.)
The message from Amabiel is for all of you wonderful readers and healers out there who are trying your best to help others. Keep it up, she says, for 2012 it is so vitally important to send out as much love and light as you possibly can.
Amabiel, Guardian Angel of Loving Kindness
Amabiel praises your capacity for radiating loving kindness and advises this is a large part of your soul purpose - to simply be your beautiful self. You are able to send out emanations of joy, as well as to perceive and share such joy with others; through heart and soul you give and thus receive love. This power actually raises and enriches the planetary and Universe vibration, as it encompasses trust, belief, unselfishness, acceptance, forgiveness and surrender. These attributes within you take the form of dozens of tiny (nano) flowers shaped like pink and violet-purple five-pointed stars. When you send out love it flows from you in an infinite stream of these living Light flowers. The violet transmutes the negativity in this world and the pink actually expands positive love energy. The more Love energy you send, the more the flowers multiply and circulate to be received in the heart by all those in need.
You may think this a minor activity, but Amabiel assures you that on the contrary, it is hugely significant, for you teach by passionate example. If you choose to build on this quality, Amabiel guides you on how to increase your inherent ability to Light the Way for others through your starry flowers of Love.
As all the angels say: LOVE IS THE KEY
Love and light
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