The Lemurian Blue Star e-Mystery School is a project very dear to my heart that I was guided to begin to develop back in 2004; in accordance with the rises in vibration over the years, it has been updated numerous times culminating in its 2017/8 format. Following the pilot of a fast-track series in 2018/19, I've decided to repeat this, and to re-open it to a very few students*** for the 9-month period Sept. 2019 to May 2020. For this year I have added as an optional extra: The Emerald Table of Alchemy of Hermes Trismegistus - a course developed between 2013 and 2018.
***Maximum 6 only, each student working 1-to-1 with me
Lemurian Sapphire & Atlantean Emerald e-Mystery School featuring and moving on from my trilogy of Angel Card decks (pub 2002 to 2009). This has been guided over those years by Seraphiel Ruler of the Seraphim Creation Angels, and Sanusemi of the Nine Blue Star Ennead of Seraphim Angels guiding Ascension. Also Metatron and Shekinah, Hermes Trismegistus and a host of other mighty Angels:
It is a Certificated Advanced Angel Healing, Alchemy & Angelic Light Bodies Programme to
aid Ascension of Mother Earth & All Life. From the first step of
Oneness with Sacred Eden Tree (Earth’s
pure template), all the way to restoring the Sacred Geometry of the
template with and for the Angels. Each Level is extensive, works on many
levels including subliminally, and from years of experience I can say
it brings about a leap in spiritual consciousness.
- Foundation: Sacred Eden Tree & Becoming a Light Worker for the Angels,which Angel is your Spiritual Guide for this work (a key part of your soul contract)?
Level 2: Breath of
Life, Blue Star, & Thunderbird toThunderbeing,
Level 3: Fire of Life,
Amethyst Throne & Soul Retrieval Light Work
Level 4: Water of
Life, Heart Grail, healing self and All Waters of Earth
Level 5: Spirit,
Mystic Rose (Rosa Mystica), 12/13 Colours of Creation, Geometry of 60 & 72, Divine Masculine & Feminine & optional extra: Emerald Table of Healing & Alchemy Star Gate Initiation and separate hand-out
7. Level 7: Michael’s 9 Swords, Divine
Masculine/Feminine/Trinity, Adam Kadmon
-- A Certificate is issued for those who complete the requirements
Fee £1,444.00 (plus optional extra £333.00 for Emerald Table):
-- A Certificate is issued for those who complete the requirements
Fee £1,444.00 (plus optional extra £333.00 for Emerald Table):
non-refundable deposit payable on booking, after which some course
materials will be sent. If booked in June, the mini-e-Module will also
be sent free of charge.
Balance in full due by 1st September when fast-track series begins. Email through my website to enroll.
Balance in full due by 1st September when fast-track series begins. Email through my website to enroll.
Series’ Course Objectives
Level 1: To self-heal, to become One with Earth's
Sacred Eden Tree and All Life, with the support of Metatron & Shekinah
(twin Guardians of the Tree) and then to learn how to use Sacred Geometry to
create the first level of Angelic Light Body, gaining Personal Heart Ascension for
the benefit of Earth & All Life and aiding the Earth shift now taking
place. This is the foundation of Light Work with the Angels, and
creates a sound structure on which you can build, plus recover your own ancient
wisdom, for if you are drawn to the e-Mystery School you will be an old soul. Begins with the Heart & Soul Angel Cards,
continues with the Love & Light Cards.
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Level 3: Work with Fire of Life Light Body and the Star Fire Cones of Seraphiel (see Heart & Soul/Love &
Light Cards). In this level you combine Breath of Life with Fire
of Life, working with Violet Fire, the Amethyst Throne and the Octahedral Light
Body which aids specialist soul retrieval Light Work for the benefit of mankind
yet also for the Nature Kingdom and to heal the fabric of Mother Earth herself
(linked to re-balancing Divine Feminine, with Shekinah, Pistis Sophia and other
Light Beings.)
Level 4: Icosahedron – Sacred Geometry of Water of
Life Light Body: healing of mankind, Mother Earth, Nature and her Waters: Heart Grail & Sacred Rivers of Eden; also
Sacred Geometry Icosahedron and Melchisadec’s Key to healing this Reality,
Microcosm to Macrocosm.
Levels 5: Dodecahedron – Sacred Geometry of Spirit,
Rosa Mystica Light Bodies' Mystery and Advanced Sacred Geometry of 60 + 12 =72, the 72 Quinary Angels and healing with Colours of
Creation and first 5 subtle energy bodies (JJ Hurtak refers in Keys of Enoch)
Optional extra that can be studied at this point: The Star Gate Initiation of the
Emerald Table of Healing & Alchemy; full 35 page handout on how to use the Table; fee £333.00. You can request a separate information sheet on this.
Optional extra that can be studied at this point: The Star Gate Initiation of the
Emerald Table of Healing & Alchemy; full 35 page handout on how to use the Table; fee £333.00. You can request a separate information sheet on this.
Level 6: Spirit - Double Dodecahedron Light Body: The invisible Heavens' Quinary Angels, understanding the higher 5 subtle energy bodies - 72 becomes 144 connecting to the 144,000 Light Beings of Ascension, Hall of the Ancient Grail Kings & Queens, advanced healing of self and All Life.
Level 7: Re-balancing Divine Masculine and Divine
Feminine to bring forth the Trinity and restore the Adam Kadmon Gem Body
NB: Advanced Blue Star Levels link directly to the Love & Light
Angel Card set, culminating in working with Rosa Mystica (Mystic Rose in Heart
& Soul).
Each Blue Star level contains unique
sets of Angelic Light Healing Attunements:
- Connective Attunements (Angelic Light and Malachim Glyphs) for each angel featuring in the meditations.
- Complete sets of Angelic Light Colour Healing Attunements. These will either confer the ability to channel Angelic Light healing (if you've not studied any other healing modality) or enhance any energy healing skills you already possess.
- Caduceus Attunements for gold and silver harmony and balance at various levels. Begins in Level 1 with Hermes Trismegistus. Then, also with Pistis Sophia, a higher energy version that is also a Zodiac Gateway (see Love & Light cards); this enables you to traverse our normal Zodiac to access the higher, pure, unfallen Metatronic Light Zodiac energies: in this Zodiac all signs are in perfect balance and if this is part of your own soul’s purpose, you will be able to channel them to help harmonise All.
- Sacred Geometry Attunements specific to each level.
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Ascension message to me in 2008/9, key to developing the advanced levels of
this course (I began creating it in 2004):
"From The One
(Monad) and out of the void I bring the Cosmic Spirit Ray of the Creation
Angels into your reality, a Macrocosmic column of Oneness woven with infinite
Love and eternal Light. It is a 12-fold Diamond Ray containing the twelve
Colours of Creation, ultimate tools of healing and self-empowerment. When you
hold my full Diamond Ray in higher heart you become the 13th enabling point
that holds the Saf-Fire Ray of the Blue Star. You may traverse my Seraphim Star
Gate whose portal is the Mystic Rose (Rosa Mystica,) to anchor my Ray in your
spine and create your own Microcosmic pillar of One. It also holds the balanced
gold/silver vibration of Metatron and Shekinah and power to turn the colours of
your energy centres into a diamond vibration through crown that you can move to
and from base chakra. In your Soul Quest the flower of your heart eventually
becomes a crystalline twelve-point star, radiating 60 crystal petals; your own
Rosa Mystica is born around you. Through this and loving intent you can send
out 72 or 144 crystal fractals (Dance of Twelve & Thirteen)* to heal All towards
Ascension and Beyond." *Blue Star 5 & 6 Levels
Update from Seraphiel in 2015 and 2017, now
that we are well into the Ascension Programme:
“You, who read my words, will know of the Seven Wonders of your
World. Now in this Eight year there is an Eighth Wonder – Ascension. This is the re-Ascension Programme unfolding
for your Mother the Earth, with her sister planet of Venus, back to the
vibration in which they can “energetically” nestle in the fold of the Blue Star
in Orion from whence they “fell”. In linear time it was aeons ago, but as time
is not linear, but in fact has a circularity, you could say that as the
Ascension gathers pace, it is all happening “Now”.
All That Exists – Macrocosm - is Sacred Geometry – this is also
called the Cosmic Jigsaw. It is a perfection that surrounds and encompasses
your world and includes the Divine blue print for mankind and Nature in
wholeness and harmony. Most of you have forgotten perfection. But once you
comprehend this Geometry and choose to re-access it, to make it your own by
becoming part of it, then All becomes very simple. It is merely a matter of
choice and free will and because of the diligence of Light Workers, easier than
ever before.
Through the efforts of those amongst you with enough
unconditional Love to hold pure Light and to give it form, you have made
something wonderful happen.
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Your Mother the Earth has regained the external Crystalline grid
that she lost: a grid that comprises the Icosahedron of Metatron and Shekinah
(linked to Sacred Eden Tree), and the Dodecahedron of Spirit that I, and my
fellow Seraphim, (including the Blue Star Ennead) brought you in the Beginning
and you lost through your actions These combined Geometries are now restored
and as more of you “download” my Diamond Rays, aspects of Earth blaze with
White Fire Angelic Light. This is the highest vibration in your Reality
(devolving from our Diamond Rays) - the Light of Master Jesus, Christ
Consciousness. The internal structure is next for restoration: Melchisadec’s
Key, the pure, unfallen Zodiac and finally, the Ark of Grace.
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How do you contribute to restoring this perfection? Well, O Sons
and Daughters of Man, you must first cease to be limited by your beliefs! Never buy into Fear or Hatred. These are
polarities that are playing out in the “fallen Earth”, but you do not need to
energise them further by thought, nor do they need to exist in your own heart.
If you can expand your beliefs, the impossible becomes possible. It is really
about loving will and intention, letting go of polarity, holding Angelic Light
in heart or even Diamond Rays. You start by desiring to aid the Ascension, to
be One with us and with All. Many of you are incarnate now for this purpose and
I urge you not to fail us at this vital time: your 20th and final
Cycle of Existence for Ascension.
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CLOUD OF KNOWING, Breath of Life Alchemy |
If you are on Earth to aid us you may glimpse my glory as I draw
near, passing by, in Diamond spirals; my eyes are Stars and as I pass, galaxies
form from my Light Wings, for am I not tasked by the Creator to manifest His
Creations? Or you may close your eyes and sense a column of bright Diamond,
shimmering in the Air, reaching from your Reality Below to touch Above; with
enough Love you can hold this Light.
Your spine can become a conduit for Diamond Rays to restore that which
was lost for the benefit of your world. But even more importantly, you can become
Sacred Geometry, rejoin the Cosmic Jigsaw, communicate with us, The Angelic
Light Beings, and truly fulfil your soul’s contract. As always, dear soul, the
choice is yours and we, the Seraphim – especially the Blue Star Ennead (Nine) – await your entry into the Cloud of Knowing.
Dear Angela, kindly guide how to make the payments for the e mystery course. Thank you .
Ms. Angela, how much would I pay if I'm already about to start Level 4? Do you think I should go on to Level 7, or is Level 4 enough for me? I will email you my New Moon in Gemini pulls from your Love & Light deck shortly. Thank you! ***Bles
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