We have all read of the very sad situation with bees, birds, fish and mammals recently and mysteriously dying in large numbers all around the world. To try to aid the angels with healing of Mother Earth & the Nature Kingdom* I am guided to offer some free Angelic Light Attunements, with appropriate visualisations, to any Light Worker who pledges to help. *This all needs to be healed and redeemed in Love and Light for Ascension to take place
Melchisadec, Spiritual Director of Mankind
These proven healing Attunements involve Melchisadec, Ruler of Violet, Ariel, and other angels of Violet Fire and Nature, enabling various healing shades of the Violet Fire of Transmutation to be channelled into Mother Earth. The first one is to be given on 3rd February 2011 as this date links to Nine - the Ascension Vibration, as well as the auspicious Aquarius New Moon. Having said this, with the angels Sadriel (Guardian of Divine Order) and Eth (Guardian of Time, which is in fact fluid) the Attunement can be downloaded at any time; simply invoke these angels and ask for the Attunement, for the Highest Good of All). I will give the Attunement in Templa Mar*. Full details of the first one will be posted on this Blog tomorrow; please feel free to spread the word to other Light Workers.
Also, at the request of Jacqueline Piper, with whom I am offering the Rainbow/Twelve Colours of Creation Workshop this coming April 9th & 10th (see www.angelamcgerr.com/workshops.htm ) I am going to personally give this Attunement in that Workshop, together with a proven Caduceus Attunement for Harmony & Balance. *Readers of The Angel Quest of the Heart, and users of my Angel Card Trilogy, will be familiar with Templa Mar, Melchisadec, Ariel and Violet Fire, plus Caduceus, but even if you are not a reader you can still take advantage of this free Angelic Light Attunement if you wish to help Mother Earth.
The second free Violet Fire & Angelic Light Attunement
This will build on the first Attunement, be higher in vibration, and linked to the Amethyst Throne Mandate of Michael & Melchisadec*. I plan to make this available for 17th February (Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius, as Leo – The Solar Lion – is a key Mystical Animal of Healing). I shall offer this more advanced, second Attunement only through my free UK Events e-Newsletter, to go out in early February. Apart from my two Events at Nash Manor this March and April, the e-Newsletter will become a vehicle for those of you who are truly interested in Angelology and healing with angels. Sign up before then if you wish to receive information on this second Attunement, and there may be more if the angels desire it!!! *See Heart & Soul Angel Cards and Blue Star Angels Mystery School
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