12 December 2012

The auspicious moment of 12:12:12

Hello again,

Today is a most auspicious day: 12:12:12, next big energy shift of Ascension, aka New Earth Star Paradigm.  What does this mean?  It's a chance to regain Oneness with All for Mother Earth and for all those who wish to do so.  This is my understanding of the situation now and we are in multiple realities, which is a bit confusing as I found this week especially!  I believe there are three categories of spiritual consciousness out there....
  1. Firstly, the spiritually awakened at various levels.  Those souls who are in Oneness now (healers and Light Workers, working from heart in the pure, unfallen - Metatron/Angelic Light vibration) and who may be in various realities at once.  Others who are finding, through self-healing and working with Love & Light energy, physical/spiritual harmony (major step to Oneness), so they are actively engaged (at their own pace) in working towards this state of being.  
  2. Secondly, there are many out there who are aware that they are missing something in life, and are looking to find out what this is; their lives feel incomplete and they are seekers after Truth.  These are termed the "Sleepers" by the angels and other Light Beings guiding Ascension.  Sleepers can now be awakened by the first group, if they so choose, (or chose before their incarnation in this life), but as we all have free will, Sleepers do need to make this choice.  We can all direct Love & Light from higher heart flower to awaken the Sleepers; see exercise 1 as "Now is the Time".
  3. Thirdly, there are many who are just not interested in any of this, and are happy to live in the fallen - Oritronic - polarised Light spectrum, so we cannot do much about this except to send Love & Light energy to them also, from heart.  The Oritronic Light works through fear, as fear constricts heart and controls in that way; if these folks can conquer fear and find love then they make a major step forwards.
How can those of you kind readers help here?  Well there are various Light Workers guiding meditations today.  So you can join in with that, especially at 12.12 hrs. in your time zone.

Or those who wish to work with me and the angels, depending on where you are in the three categories, can do one of two things:

Part 1 for anyone who wishes to help All on this special day, and preparation for 2

 View this Mandala of heart for about 30 seconds, asking the angels to place it within your own heart space.  In the petals of the Sacred Lotus place any/all those people, places, situations, whom you wish to help on this day to move towards inner peace and harmony.   

This is Green/Magenta of Creation with Flower and Seed of LIfe incorporated.  Work with Haniel (Guardian of Love & Beauty and Ruler of Fridays), Pagiel (green and pink: love, beauty, true heart's desires), Rachmiel (rose-pink: compassion) Shekinah (rose-magenta and gold: spiritual expansion)  From my Love & Light set you can invoke these angels, view the artwork and do this exercise.

From Diamond come Green and Magenta Colours of Creation, denoting balanced healing of personal heart (emerald green: love, desire, acceptance), giving rise to loving care and true compassion for All (rose-magenta: opening of higher heart flower or Blood Rose).  To balance Green place past hurts behind you and let go of judgement, (especially of self).  Accept Divine Order and let Love flow; then the angels aid you with emerald's true healing power that unfolds the rose-magenta higher heart flower, linking your heart to heart of Eden Tree.  Then if you choose to radiate Love and Light to All, you've completed a level of Heart Quest and moved to Soul Quest. *Flower of Life  Here is what to say:

I breathe Love's sacred in-breath to hold your green vibrations within, and on my out-breath I travel with you to the Flower of LIfe Chamber of Templa Mar and stand in the Flower of Life Mandala's cool, clear heart.  Your liquid crystal shades of Nature form a Light river of emerald cleansing me of hurts, healing my heart of the past.  As I send out Love and Light from my heart to All, my heart is One with Eden Tree (pictured below).  The rose-magenta glory of my heart flower unfolds; your colours show me that to give is to receive manifold and as I accept and surrender to this principle my spiritual consciousness rises towards Oneness with All.

Part 2 for Healers and Light Workers

Above at top is the 12:12 Star Gate artwork from my Love & Light set, and it is linked to Level 5 of the Blue Star Angels Mystery School.  This Star Gate (to be used by those in Oneness with All) is a Gate via the most advanced Sacred Geometry called Rosa Mystica.  Those of you reading this who connect with me, know a little about Rosa Mystica from my books and card sets, and working with Seraphiel, (or if you have done this in past lives and are guided you can safely hold this vibration), can aid the New Earth Star Paradigm by doing the 12:12 Star Gate exercise adapted slightly from the one in my Love & Light Angel Card set:  

Rosa Mystica Ascension Star Gate: Guardians: Seraphiel, Sanusemi, Metatron, Shekinah, Bull, Lion, Unicorn, Dolphin, Dragon, Thunderbird.
First invoke Seraphiel, Sanusemi, Metatron & Shekinah and ask them to hold you within the Sacred Eden Tree to ground you, ensuring your roots are in the heart of Mother Earth, your heart is in Templa Mar, and your crown touches the 44:44 Star Gate of Heart.

If you feel you can or do hold the Diamond Seed and Flower of Life within heart, you may be allowed traverse this Gate to the Mystic Rose Ascension Chamber in Templa Mar to aid Mother Earth and All Life with Ascension. This Chamber is the Sacred Geometry Dodecahedron of Spirit, meaning that you reach it by holding this geometry also within heart: As Above, so Below.

  •  With my roots in the heart of Mother Earth, my heart interfacing with Templa Mar and my crown touching the 44:44 Angel Star Gate of Heart, I reach through the Star Gate to access the Diamond Ray of the Seraphim, to aid Mother Earth and All Life.
  • In my heart I see the Seed of Life, in Diamond, with those I love and care for, from this and any lifetime past, present, future in the petals within for healing.
  • As I breathe your Divine Angelic Light breath and hold this vibration, you enfold the Diamond Flower within my heart with your twelve-point Seraphim 12-Point Star of Cosmic Spirit.  
  • As I breathe out I travel through the Mystic Rose Star Gate to stand on in the heart of Templa Mar's Ascension Chamber.         
  • Below my feet is the Diamond Rosa Mystica pattern, its heart the twelve-point Star. Above my head hover the Mystical Animals.        
  •  I breathe in the power of Sun, Moon and Stars and as I hold this vibration; twelve healing spirals descend to the Seraphim Star to anchor in my heart
  • As I magnify and send these within and without, through Oneness to All, I see the Diamond Rosa Mystica in 5th Dimension around me, a healing tool for Mother Earth and All Life.

·        I am Spirit in service of Love and Light 

Part 3 moves on further from there
At a higher level still, this becomes Sacred Geometry becomes Rosa Mystica 2, linked to 10th Dimension, as below here (Level 6 of the Blue Star Angels Mystery School)....this is the Advanced Rosa Mystica Star Gate as pictured on the final page of the Love & Light set and it's used to aiding the 144,000 Light Beings of Ascension.  So whatever you do, or wherever you are on the Way of Love & Light, please try to do something from heart to aid Mother Earth and All Life.  More to come on the New Earth Star Paradigm.....

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