8 October 2012

Meditation with Haniel: Love and Compasson

Hello again dear readers,

As you may have seen on Facebook (see my page and today's posts), my sister Jo of Harmony Healing is organising a virtual world-wide meditation to send energy of Love and Compassion, Joy and Healing to USA at this time, the lead-up to the next Presidential Election.

She asked me to help with this meditation, so here below is what I wrote for it:

HANIEL, pictured above, is Ruler of Venus and also the Virtues Angels, one of the Nine Spheres of Angels.

The Virtues Angels are tasked (by the Creator) with sending out healing energy to major world situations, world leaders and personalities. 

On this particular occasion: RIKBIEL (Guardian of Power of Love) AND SADRIEL (Guardian of Divine Order), can also be invoked to assist. 

  • Invoke the three angels, asking them to be with you in Love & Light, Love & Light, Love & Light.
  • Ask Rikbiel to aid you with the Power of Love to solve all problems, given time.
  • Ask Sadriel to help you to send this energy towards bringing about Divine Order.
  • Close your eyes and start taking deep breaths of pure white energy, breathing out any dark, negative emotions, until you start to feel relaxed.
  • See in your heart the open higher heart flower, either a real rose or water lily
  • Place the person or persons or country you wish to help within the petals of the flower)
  • Then say: Haniel, Haniel, Haniel, I ask you for rose pink Light energy, so the power and warmth of your loving compassion and joy flows into me, for the highest good of All.
  • Now imagine that you can breathe in this light and with each breath you are breathing it deeper into yourself, towards your heart
  • When the rose pink Light reaches your heart it pours into the rose or lily and also reaches the person(s) or country you have placed there 
  • The pink light will then radiate from your heart flower into your body and spirit, infusing all with the warmth of love, joy and compassion.
  • As you continue to breathe this pink energy in and out it gradually forms pink wings of Love and Light around you, shades from pale pink to magenta.
  • You may be able to actually feel this tingling energy around you!  
  • Thank Haniel for her help and the other angels, and do this as often as you like to renew the pink wings with their loving assistance.

Of course you can use this for any situation you feel could do with lots of waves of love and compassion, simply place it within those heart flower petals.  And if you add the angel ETH, Guardian of Time, to your will and intention for this energy, it will keep going to where it is needed for as long as it is needed.

Sending you all healing angel blessings
PS: This is why the Malachim Alphabet is pictured in my two works: Angel Almanac and Love & Light Angel Cards, because it is an angelic alphabet specifically for healing.



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